Wallpaper Installation In New York City.

See our latest project for wallpaper Installation, Wallpaper Installation New York. Mid Citi Wallpapering is one of New York City’s top wallpaper installer. They have done projects fo many big firms, small businesses and numerous home owners. We conducted an initial consultation with the client, and decided the best web technology that can be used […]

Web Design Trends for 2017

who shops online

2017 Trends in web design. While time and technology advances, new businesses gets created , older ones gets updated to keep up with modern trends and consumers. In this post we take a look at some of the design trends that will dominate 2017. Here is what we can expect to see in 2017. 1: […]

Home Builder and Contractor Websites

Websites for Contractors and Home Builders Crystal Studios Web Design is the local web developer for Professional Contractors and Home Builders Websites. The first thing people do is look you up online and if you don’t have a modern professional appearance , that’s is where it ends in most cases. We have worked in tandem […]

Professional Services or DIY Website

This is a question every new business owner at some point must consider. Professional services cost more so you may think it’s a no brainer, DIY. Wait, rather that tell you the advantages of using any Professional, watch this super bowl commercial about what happens to this business owner when he decides to take on […]

Artificial Intelligence predicted election

Despite all the experts on the various news channels around the world and numerous opinion polls the election went the opposite direction of what was expected. However an Artificial Intelligent company, MogIA , was able to predict the outcome accurately. How was that possible? and does it mean that the experts are rendered useless noisemakers? […]

Direct Response Marketing on Facebook Pt 1

direct response marketing on facebook

In this post we discuss some of the ways FB and Instagram can work for a direct response campaign. Facebook and Instagram have a sophisticated suite of tools to help you target your desired audience, with a variety of ad formats suitable every device to meet your objectives. Suppose your goal is to get new […]

A/B Testing Facebook

Facebook A/B Testing

Testing the ad creative. So you have decided on a Facebook marketing campaign and it’s time to create the ad. You are faced with the issue of the right design, colors , message and so on. Clicks cost real money therefore your ad must have maximum impact to induce a click that will perform some […]

Facebook Page – Business Presence

A lot of small businesses struggle in determining what their Facebook presence should be. Should the lead be the brand, product or information about the business? It is not a simple decision for social media success. A business needs to communicate the right message that will resonate with their followers and potential followers in a […]

A Website or Facebook Page.

You need both! And then some. As a small business owner , it is a burden to manage a business and create an effective online presence. However most new potential customers will research a business online before committing to a purchase or requesting more information. So it is crucial to your business success that your […]

Developing a Facebook Marketing Strategy.

Developing facebook marketing plan

Marketing on facebook is done differently than traditional methods like print, TV radio etc. It is a form of “word of mouth” advertising where like minded people come together. When someone likes your page, it is passed on to other members of that person’s circle of friends, and the viral process begins. Create a Strategic […]